Home » Programs » Human Services » Arivaca Community Garden » Volunteer

Over the years the Arivaca Garden has been a place where individuals could learn about organic gardening techniques and volunteer. Currently the international WOOFER program recognizes Arivaca for its training opportunities and continually has visitors from around the world, who participate in its daily activities of planting, harvesting and selling. Kings from West Africa have visited for tips, and youth organizations from other states have been interested as well as local schools to see the processes and teach about organic farming, using Arivaca garden as a tool to learn and participate.
Training is done with hands on experience working in the garden side by side with experienced staff in organic gardening. Each day there will be specifics that need to be done, as well as processes in the planting, growing, harvesting, and storage of produce. There are a number of techniques that are used for a quality product in farming. Skills are developed by hands on experience and reading information. Classes are also available at the local university Ag extension program for additional learning opportunities.
For anyone that is interested in healthy living and healthy eating, they are welcome to participate to learn more on growing techniques and the best produce to grow within the different seasons of Arizona.

The WOOFER program is an internationally recognized volunteer program, where people from around the world are able to participate in different agricultural programs across the United States. The Arivaca garden is known for is organic practices and volunteers come to learn more about reclaiming soil, organics in general, and how to grow their own garden. These volunteer are provided with living quarters, laundry facilities, and fresh food during their stay at the garden. A small stipend is also provided for services and participation.

Volunteer Canning Coop
The volunteer canning cooperative is a group of people that get together once per year to do a large canning project for the community and to sell goods. Many people that grow their own gardens, along with the Arivaca Garden use a certified canning kitchen, in order to follow health regulations for the canning of fresh vegetables for sale. Through this cooperative, fresh canned goods are given to those who volunteer in the process, as well as to local low income residents in need of fresh foods. Products are also sold at farmers markets to raise income for sustainability.

General Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to volunteer at the garden project. Whether it is planting, harvesting, canning, or volunteering at the farmer’s markets, you can get involved. Through this process you will learn about organics, get information on master gardening classes, soil care, and how to preserve your fresh vegetables for later. In return for volunteer activities, you are provided with fresh organic produce for your own use.