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PPEP Foundation
The PPEP Foundation was inaugurated by PPEP, Inc. in 2006. Later that year the Foundation was incorporated by the State of Arizona and subsequently its IRS designation as a 501-C-3 Charitable Corporation. The Foundation’s purpose is to “join together in order that through our common bonds, our common efforts and common understanding, we may support and benefit Portable Practical Education Preparation (PPEP).
In essence it is formed and organized exclusively to support and benefit PPEP, Inc. an Arizona non-profit corporation and its related entities both home and abroad. The present PPEP Foundation Board has defined three main categories as priorities. First, scholarships for at-risk students, including rural, farmworkers, international, and Southern Arizona border area students. The second area of priority is mobilizing resources to provide business development training and technical assistance to micro borrowers. The third area of priority is that of humanitarian work both at home and abroad.
The Foundation does fundraising and accepts proceeds from Trusts, Testaments/wills, funds given, volunteerism, equipment/furnishings, and real property for the charitable programs it supports.

President – Arnold Palacios
Vice-President – Enrique Serna
Secretary – Dr. John David Arnold
Treasurer – Walt Pearson
Members at Large:
Johnna Cordero
Michael Johnson
Jeff Mace
Scott Nasca
Dr. Jose Rubio Pino