Take the Journey!

In 1967, PPEP, Inc. was founded by Dr. John David Arnold aboard a 1957 Chevy bus named “La Tortuga (tortoise)” with a $19,000 grant from the Tucson Committee for Economic Opportunity. Its mission to “improve the quality of rural life.” Four decades later PPEP remains dedicated to carrying out the dreams of its first Bracero migrant farm workers students for a better way of life. Si Se Pudo. Yes We Can.

About PPEP

Portable, Practical Educational Preparation or PPEP, Inc. (non-profit 501 (c) (3))

Also known as Project PPEP, was founded by Doctor John David Arnold in 1967. PPEP’s mission is “To improve the quality of rural life.” Over 4,000,000 people have received services from PPEP over the past 45+ years. PPEP’s services are provided by professional and dedicated staff. These services include a variety of human, economic, microbusiness, education, charter schools, health, housing, counseling, employment, job training, humanitarian, and services to the development disabled to name a few. Under the portable, practical education, preparation model these services empower rural people to improve their quality of life and be self-sufficient. Journey with us and see how this is being accomplished.

Donate Today

PPEP receives a variety of grants, but it’s restricted monies and is never enough. Your donation to PPEP provides support to any one of its numerous programs, all designed to help those in need. You can designate which program you’d like to support – just hit the “Donate” button for further details.

La Tortuga

La Tortuga is the original bus used by Doctor John David Arnold to travel to local Tucson area farms, providing the farmworkers with basic education and English classes – the first portable educational program offered by PPEP. Today, La Tortuga, refurbished to its former glory, sits in PPEP’s Farmworker Hall of Fame, where it’s used as a meeting room for PPEP visitors.