Adult, Dislocated And Older Worker Progams

In partnership with the Pima County One Stop, PPEP provides WIOA programs for employment, training, and education to adult workers, older youth, dislocated workers, and older workers throughout Pima County. These programs provide an opportunity for a diverse group of people needing help with the basics to advanced training for employment. Services are organized into Core, Intensive and Training Services based on need. See the Services and qualification sections for more details.

The adult worker is defined as any person 18 years of age that is needing basic skills training, work experience, on-the-job training or advanced training to obtain employment. Please speak with a Workforce Specialist for additional information.

The dislocated worker is defined as any person 18 years of age or older that has recently been laid off from their job, or is a displaced homeworker. Training is offered for occupational transfers to other industries, on-the-job training and advanced degree training. Please talk with a Workforce Specialist for additional information.

These programs are for job seekers, who are 55 years and older. Workshops on effective Job Search Techniques for mature workers are offered in the Pima County One-Stops. There is also a paid work experience program called SCSEP.